When Corona crippled relationships and threatened many with loneliness, Mara and a few friends thought about how to help these people, especially the elderly and single people. They came up with an ingenious idea that went down well with everyone and even made its way to America.
From old to new: an old idea, organized with modern, digital means led to much joy on both sides. This is how "Briefwechsel Würzburg" was born, an organization that mediates pen pals between the generations. Sarul and Jan-Philipp from pics4peace asked Mara about this and more in PEACE OUT (6).
Mara is currently looking for people who like to receive letters, who feel lonely and are happy to receive mail from young people. Please show this video to your friends and relatives who might be interested! And if you want to participate yourself, please contact the website of Briefwechsel-Wue" Online you can find the "Briefwechsel" under the following link:https://www.briefwechsel-wue.de/
Next Sunday Michael will talk about "Regularly behind bars: talking and playing with prisoners": "Regelmäßig hinter Gittern: Reden und Spielen mit Häftlingen"