On Wednesday in Bamberg.
At the invitation of the State Vocational School III and the HSS, Pia Beckmann discussed with 90 young adults, all on their way into professional life, how they experience politics in the run-up to the European elections. What frustrates them or scares them. And, of course, about what is important to them - especially with regard to Europe. Most of them also get to vote for the first time on May 26, 2019.
Some noted that young people and politics are far apart; you don't know how to change anything. Who to vote for. What it brings....??? But when it came to the specific questions of what the Europe the BS students want to live in should be like, most had a very clear idea, as was evident from the many engaged contributions.
The young adults from Bamberg want their Europe to have
- equal opportunities for everyone- freedom for all
- also freedom of opinion for all
- fairness in dealing with each other
- more togetherness instead of against each other, joint solving of problems,
- a united Europe, which can be recognized by the sense of community and solidarity among each other,
- free language lessons abroad to experience Europe,
- security for the people,
- solidarity between countries and people in Europe, standing up for each other,
- that the concerns of the young are taken into account in the decisions,
- no oppression of people by the state
- more appreciation for each other
- justice for all
- equality between men and women
- more environmental awareness and environmentally friendly decisions
- freedom from prejudice
- openness to others and different
- peace among ourselves and in the world
- remaining free.
It was also discussed that a European Employment Egency could help to overcome youth unemployment, which is very high in some parts of Europe.
In the preceding lecture on the topic of "Language.Power.Politics", examples were used, in quotes and short films, to show which registers are pulled out in political statements in order to evoke emotions and to steer people in a certain direction with their thoughts and actions. That was the case in the past and is no different today. The Net is not making things any easier. Critical opinions have little chance of success in the digital echo chambers. Negative emotions, reinforced by fake news and the power of images, often spread faster than sober facts.
- How can you differentiate what is fact or fake?
- What does this do to people?
- What can one do oneself?
One crucial hint was to always ask oneself:
- Why does he/she say something like that?
- What is he/she possibly trying to distract from.
- What is wrong?
- What is the intention behind it? ...
Then it is easier to stay cool and react: Unexpected. Friendly. Perhaps humorously. Objectively and clearly.
Encouragement and Support
It is very important that there are others who support you with their arguments or just their encouragement.
Battles are not and were not decided in history because the others were so many. They never were at the beginning. But because many have watched and remained silent for so long...
Thanks to all who were there! Especially OStR Daniela Kern from BS III and Andreas Brunner from HSS for the good organization and welcome introduction, StDir. Martin Schilling, who personally made sure that the film and presentations ran smoothly and of course the students for their good and important contributions to Europe!