Christmas Letter and ANNUAL REPORT 2019/20

For the general membership meeting of pics4peace e.V., which this time took place later in the year due to Corona and then not in person, but only as a digital conference, the annual report 2019 was presented. We immediately supplemented it with what happened in 2020.

So exciting what, how much and where we all got things going together! Despite Corona, there was a whole lot going on this year too! Just virtually.

We have to lament 2020 the much too early, sudden death of our supporter and tax consultant Wolfgang Hackober. He was a friend of pics4peace. Here he watched over our numbers. Now he is surely watching over us from another place. R.I.P.!

We have packed the overview of our activities for you into a Christmas letter. With this we wish you happy holidays, health, confidence and perseverance!  Next year will be better!

Thanks to all pics4peaceYOUNGSTERS! You are incredible!

Thanks to all our sponsors and supporters! We couldn't do it without you! This Christmas letter shows that we appreciate this and take it seriously: This Way!