Democracy Café by pics4peace

First our chairwoman gave an insight into the topics that were shown in the pics4peace art exhibition in the public library.

  • It was about people with disabilities who were excluded.
  • Around the topic "Which norm do I apply? What is considered normal in our society, what is considered abnormal?
  • How do people who are different suffer? What can be done?"
  • It was about open access,
  • the issue of freedom of expression,
  • fake and facts,
  • manipulation on the net. But also
  • about other cultures, about girls who are circumcised even here in Germany and thus suffer pain and are disabled for the rest of their lives.
  • The arms trade and its effects on our society in Germany were also the subject of the artworks
  • was the topic of the artworks of students from the Faculty of Design of the FHWS, as well as
  • the treatment of nature and animals.

Afterwards, the participants talked about their experiences, what they experience in their school, at their university, in their working environment. They formulated what they consider questionable, what scares them, what needs to be changed, what is right and important from their point of view. It was about

  • Tolerance,
  • respect,
  • the coexistence of non-Germans and Germans,
  • Europe, but also
  • history and politics.

It was not the first discussion in which students in particular demanded that political education should rather be taught in schools. It should also be possible to discuss current affairs there. Several said that most of the German 16-year-olds in his secondary school didn't know who the current German president was. A similar statement came earlier from a high school. Something has to happen!

Finally, the Tutorials were shown, which are here, but also in the YouTube Channel von pics4peace. They give tips for the creative competition. You can also watch them. And then: Just take part! Because every entry counts!

And every contribution is a gain, not only for the winners at the end, but for all people who see, read and hear your ideas, messages and suggestions!
As always, pics4peace takes care that your demands reach the decision makers in politics, economy and society!