"Women become equal to men." What does that actually mean?
Are women standing where men stood? Are men still standing where they always stood?
Who has actually moved more? And to where? For whom were the rules made?
Are the existing rules the trap? Or the place where women (should) stand?
These questions, among others, are raised in the play "Hannah and Elisabeth". It takes up the struggle of Elisabeth Dauthendey for the right to study as a woman and the association "Frauenheil" for e.g. rights for women at work around 1900. But also the almost seemingly pointless struggle in the life of a single working academic and journalist in 2023 for adequate opportunities and conditions.
Why is it still so difficult for women today to participate in all decisions according to their share of the population, although theoretically all paths seem to be open to them?
Many people currently have the feeling that something fundamental has to change in the world. In order to make better decisions in all areas, we need a division of power and responsibility between women and men. Old-established customs need to be questioned and renegotiated. Also, in order to make it possible to have a family despite having a job, without being disadvantaged. How can a concept of parity succeed? What does it take? What do young men and women want?
This is the subject of the supplementary feature video, which will be available at the end of September as well as further information to deepen the topic.
This provides all educational institutions with inspiring, authentic and well-founded video material to explore ways to do justice to the importance of women for the further development of our society.
- To see the THEATRE Piece "Hannah and Elisabeth" (live recording) HERE.
- The feature video on the topic can be found here.
- LINKS to the topic will also be added here regularly.
- Please write to us if you have helpful information and links on the situation of women in our society or ideas on how to improve it so that equal participation and further development is possible for all! Address: kontakt@pics4peace.de
The project is a joint action of Würzburg liest e.V. and pics4peace e.V..
With the kind support of demokratie leben Würzburg and the Juristen Alumni Würzburg.
Thanks to all of you!!! As always, it was a lot of fun to work together creatively to make something new happen that makes a difference!