University Interdisciplinary Involved!

The University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt participates interdisciplinary in the project pics4peace against extremism, for democracy:

The Faculty of Design participated with students in an artist workshop with Winfried Muthesius. The students' multidimensional exhibits on politically explosive topics were displayed in the State Museum on the fortress, among other places.
The Faculty of Businessand Economics and the Media Management program, which has aligned its strategic positioning on the basis of a value guiding star, provided ideal and conceptual support for the video production of the social film contribution "Courage for Truth".
The University Media Center helped with technical equipment.
Former FHWS graduate and owner of boxfish-film Alexander Draheim is responsible for the production of the short film. He shot the film on behalf of pics4peace e.V. together with students and the pics4peaceYOUNGSTERS.

The film production was supported by the Robert-Bosch-Stiftung.

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