Insta-TV and Video Podcast in the Works

There's a lot going on with us at the moment. Since Corona, we have been meeting - online! - with exciting young and young-at-heart people who share a part of their lives with us.

You can't imagine how diverse the topics are. But one thing is for sure: We will pass it on to you 1 : 1: In Insta-TV format, on YouTube and on in our Diary.

    Our twelve-part Video Podcast "Peace Out" will run
    weekly from October 18, 2020, every Sunday, 17.00 hrs,
    as a live premiere on YouTube.

Be excited! It will be great! And: The podcasts and interviews will be encouraging!  :-) We are looking forward to your comments!

The project is supported by "demokratie leben Würzburg". A BIG THANK YOU to you!