"My Tasks in our World" with Thorsten, PEACE OUT (12)

Well, what is actually our task in the world? To get closer to this, Lucas invited a special guest to PEACE OUT: Thorsten is a youth pastor and religion teacher in Schweinfurt. With him, Lucas from pics4peace talks about what role church and religion, but also we as individuals actually have in the world or in our society.

During the conversation, Lucas digs deep with Thorsten. But he responds completely openly, likes to laugh, and sometimes turns the tables on Lucas to find out how he feels about the question. Sustainability and responsibility for the environment are very important to both of them. Interesting: Both have the same "weak spot" where they don't compromise. You can find out what that is hier!

This was the last episode of PEACE OUT for now. We would like to thank everyone who contributed to it, especially our YOUNGSTERS and the interview guests!

A special thank you goes to demokratie leben Würzburg, who supported the video podcast project with their funding! THANK YOU!