Setting Positive Examples Against Enemy Image Arguments!

The tension as to whether everything would work out was then great when we arrived at the International Book Fair in Frankfurt. We couldn't use the hour before our panel discussion with bestseller AuthorTanja Kinkel and Artist Winfried Muthesius to stroll around the fair. We were too excited for that. We preferred to sit down together and think again about what could and should be addressed. The cozy mediacampus trainee bistro was ideal for this. It didn't take too long before Tanja Kinkel and Winfried Muthesius joined us, so we were able to get to know each other beforehand. Very nice and easy going. That made it easier to get started right away.

The stage with comfortable leather chairs was just enough for us. Because there were four of us from the pics4peaceYoungsters: Max, Moritz, Tobi and Anna. Max introduced us and what we do and showed the film we shot, our...

...Social Spot Film "Mut zur Wahrheit".

The podium and the audience were captivated by the emotionality of the film. After that, there was silence. Then came real applause. The fact that different groups that didn't know each other, young and old, business people and rockers, students and workers suddenly become people who have the same experiences, the same fears, the same worries, the same suffering and even the same goals... did something to people.

The discussion

The discussion was then about how one assesses the situation in Germany, Tobi said. Moritz and Tanja Kinkel talked about their own experiences. But the others also provided examples. Whether they themselves were bullied, watched or intervened when someone was ostracized and dissed - that was openly exchanged.

Winfried Muthesius explained why the 30s cannot be equated 1 to 1 with today...
And of course it was discussed what each individual can do so that human rights do not only apply to individual groups and everyone is allowed to express his or her opinion freely.

Tanja Kinkel emphasized that positive narratives are important to her as a contrast to simple knitting patterns and enemy images. And we have to set this positive against it much more often.

There was an engaged and open exchange between all of us. We believe that both sides, the older and the younger ones, were able to give something to the other. That was cool!

Join in

Finally, Anna introduced the pics4peace creative contest that is running now. She showed two tutorials in which lilly among clouds and Pauline Füg give tips on how to write lyrics for a song or a poetry slam. And with her enthusiasm she invited everyone to join in and thereby set a sign against extremism, for democracy.

In the end, everyone was satisfied. We were anyway! The applause from the audience was great and so was the encouragement afterwards! :-) Best conditions to master the part II of the event at the Römerberg, too!