Since January the kids of the Theater Ensemble meet at the Martinsschule in Augsburg to write their own play about their problems and topics with Wolfsmehl (author and playwright). Now the time has come. The play is ready!!! The work was not always easy. But it was worth it. The group of diverse kids has become united, pulling together.
Visit to the theater for all in advance
Before the work started, Wolfsmehl took them to see a play to show them how varied the tasks are at such a house. From technology, to advertising and organization, to actors, costume and make-up artists, there is something for every talent to do. This is how the kids learned to discover their talents.
Puk, the theater dog in the middle of it all
At the beginning of the weekly theater workshop, there were treats, baked by Wolfsmehl's wife. Mega!!! Puk, the theater dog, was always there, too. Actually, the Labrador belongs to Wolfsmehl. He got him from the animal shelter. Today is 9 years old, blind, and like his namesake from Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream, a real prankster. Petting the big black guy while he worked was quite desirable. After some initial hesitation, he soon became a team member.
Story of one of the kids
The script, which is about the situation of one of them, a girl who can't afford a class trip, is finished. Rap songs have also been created, which will be incorporated into the scenes.Now it's time to read, read, read. After the Easter vacations, we'll check whether all the roles fit perfectly, and then we'll start the first rehearsals! That will be exciting. We will keep you up to date.
Since January, the kids have been meeting once a week in their free time with playwright and author Wolfsmehl to write their play. Together they developed scenic pics4peace, plus homemade rap songs. The play will be performed at Martinsschule and Sensemble Theater Augsburg towards the end of the year.
Cooperation partners of the theater project with Wolfsmehl, which takes place within the framework of the federal program "Kultur macht stark", are the Friedrich-Bödecker-Kreis Bayern, the sonderpädagogisches Förderzentrum Martinschule Augsburg, the Sensemble Theater Augsburg and pics4peace e.V.. Cool thing!