The Postman Always Rings Twice

Saturday 10.00. We were having breakfast on the balcony. The doorbell rang. A parcel service. Surprise mail again?!? Indeed!

This time we unpacked the huge thing right away. A drop flag with the pics4peace logo! Brilliant! The problem: It didn't fit into the apartment, even on the balcony there was not enough space.  If we pushed the flag just under the ceiling by holding it up, we couldn't put it into the fixture at the bottom.  Funny! And normal. Because this thing is huge.

For pics4peace events outside a real eye-catcher! At our actions on the topic "Together in Europe?!" at the Umsonst & Draußen Festival from June, 20. to 23. in the Art Tent you will see the Drop Flag and the Roll-Up, the other surprise of the last week!
Thank you, thank you, thank you to the team at bueroparallel (our IT and web design specialists as well as saviors in distress) for this generous and so meaningful gift for us!!!!

You also have to be seen if you want to reach people..., right?  These two portable, unfoldable and rollable little helpers will in any case draw attention to the cool actions of the young people who are working with pics4peace to shape the future of all of us, for democracy and peace. Happy pics4peace.

Have a nice weekend and only good surprises!