Anna Radlbeck, 31

Is Democracy Irrelevant From The Edge Of The Plate?


Under the term democracy I understand:

To grant to all and everyone the same chances and rights. Basically, society has a communal sense of empathy.

We give special protection to the weak, the elderly and children. Helping and supporting them is one of them is part of our understanding of democracy. So: Why do we grant animals less protection?

The picture was taken in front of the Würzburg restaurant "Kult". The majority of the menu consists of vegan and vegetarian dishes. The clientele is young, alternative and cosmopolitan.

Every month, I meet there with my comrades from PETA ZWEI, the street team of the animal rights organization PETA. We organize upcoming demonstrations and actions with which we want to create awareness for animal ethics. This place is therefore very important for me.

The consumption of animal products is firmly anchored in our society.
Abstaining from it is unthinkable for many, even though they know about the suffering and consequences of their behaviour. The given is accepted without question. Better education, also on the side of politics, is indispensable so that we do not continue to waste the resources of our earth.

About the artist

Anna Radlbeck

31 Years


7. Semester Kommunikationsdesign

Anna Radlbeck, 31

Is Democracy Irrelevant From The Edge Of The Plate?