Natalie Bultman, 22

Deep Yearning


Who doesn‘t long for love and acceptance? Who doesn‘t long for orientation in these complexly difficult times? Natalie Bultman‘s pittura oscura is therefore entitled „Deep Yearning“. The devout artist deconstructs the religious and transfers it to all people in a thought experiment: The construct made of natural string shows the winding path of her and our search for fulfillment. She places the construct in the photograph of the vaulted ceiling of a baroque pilgrimage church. The space widens, is bright and open to the sky. Our path of longing approaches this space of hope and finds its goal in it. Natalie shows a way how the deep longing in people could find its correspondence: Instead of the many commands and prohibitions, instead of the hierarchies and their negative excesses in our religions, all believers would have to have a personal relationship with God that is characterized by openness. A relationship that shows itself through the spirit of supporting and serving each other. If all people in the world lived in this spirit, then everyone would treat each other with respect and consideration. Conflicts would be solved in a completely different way. In such a community, everyone would feel accepted and loved. Natalie expresses it this way: „The images I created address the complexity of finding the truth. I showed this complexity through the winding cord in my work. When it seems that much of religion seems distant or burdensome, a deconstruction of the term “religious” must occur. Jesus explained church as the fellowship of believers serving each other – not as the name of a building. Thus, the cord in my work continues to stem from the church into a new, open space. My work shows how fulfillment and the presence of God can be hard to find amidst rituals, fear of punishment, tradition, politics, etc.. But in the end when He is found, the closeness of a relationship with Him is simple and incredibly beautiful. You feel accepted and loved.

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About the artist

Natalie Bultman

22 Years

The artist about democracy and peace

Hi, I‘m Natalie. Currently I am based in Ann Arbor attending Penny W. Stamps School of Art and Design with a focus in hand built and wheel thrown ceramics. I am interested in recreating specific moments in my life to tell stories about hardships, struggles, and the process of growth. Telling stories about my life has provided space to talk about bigger issues of mental health, relational growth, and faith. Rooted in emotion and experience, my work includes rich textures and natural colors. Ceramics is a tactile, vulnerable material that stores memory, fingerprints, and marks that allows for processing and sharing. I create because I love the intersection of abstract thought, personal experience, and the tangibility of representing an experience into a physical form. Art has created a healing avenue for me to touch the inner part of my emotions and to connect to God.

Natalie Bultman, 22

Deep Yearning