Stella Wingerter, 22

Change is coming


Stella is intrigued how strongly children can be shaped by stories and fairy tales in their upbringing. And what they should be taught so that they are best prepared for the challenges of today and tomorrow. The Franconian artist uses fairy tales, symbols and colors to set the scene for three different styles of upbringing. The picture, which is covered with red writing, is divided into two parts: The left half refers to the so-called “poisonous pedagogy”. Brown, muted colours and a dark fir forest symbolize the fearful mood of the children during this time. The partial image is supplemented by texts and graphics that refer to the German fairy tale „Die gar traurige Geschichte mit dem Feuerzeug“ („The Sad Story with the Lighter“) from Heinrich Hoffmann‘s Struwwelpeter. These are a cynical reminder of the educational slogan of the time, „Who will not hear, must feel.“ The right half shows the fairy tale world of today. In addition, text excerpts that come from the American fairy tale „Bambi“, by Walt Disney. Its characters are heroes who improve the world, afflicted with role clichés and stereotypes. An ironic allusion to the fact that such a pink-one-dimensional world is just as fake as the one-dimensional one of fear pedagogy. As a layer on top of these two, she has placed a third image: the artist herself stands there and writes „Change is Coming.“ But in which direction? Reflection is necessary, says Stella Wingerter. Quotes from U.S. children‘s author Theodor Seuss Geisel frame her mural: They emphasize that change is possible for everyone. Even if we have been shaped by negative experiences. Aware of the experiences we have had, the message goes, we are able to develop new perspectives, to shape change and a future-oriented education for children. An education that makes children and young people strong and enables them to cope with the complex challenges in their lives.

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Über den/die Künstler/in

Stella Wingerter

22 Jahre

Der/Die Künstler/in über Demokratie und Frieden

Ich heiße Stella Wingerter, bin 21 Jahre alt und studiere „Grafik-Design“ an der Faber-CastellAkademie in Stein. Schon früh hab ich mich für Kunst interessiert. Mit meinen Eltern habe ich häufig Museen besucht und immer bewundert, wie sich Menschen mit ihrer Kunst ausdrücken. Besonders spannend daran war für mich, dass jede Person ein Kunstwerk anders betrachtet, jeder andere Details ins Auge stechen und sie unterschiedliche Emotionen damit verbinden. Seit ich 16 bin, zeichne ich kontinuierlich, vor allem realistisch. Es war mir wichtig, einen eigenen Stil zu entwickeln. Momentan zeichne ich vor allem Portraits mit Graphitstiften, die ich fotografiere und mit digitalen Effekten weiterverarbeite, um den Werken mehr Ausdruck zu verleihen. Mich fasziniert Kunst. Deshalb wünsche ich mir, dass auch meine Arbeit dazu beiträgt, bei anderen Faszination auszulösen.

Stella Wingerter, 22

Change is coming